I had a previous post that featured my elephant-mouse-wrist-rest which was being killed by my friends right? So now I'm teeling you about my new pet.

As I was about to enter the house at 6pm, I felt the cool breeze of December air. I said to myself, OMG Christmas is coming, and I’m not even happy. In fact, I am lonely. It is very hard to think of great things when I’m stuck with an unsolved dilemma! *sighs* Normally, I would enjoy the feeling of Christmas time from October-November but December isn’t really a happy-time. Too much celebration makes me sick! I love the preparation for Christmas, and only the preparation itself. I even get excited when I hear Christmas songs being played in department stores as early as October. Having Christmas break also gives me the reason to smile, and that’s about it.It is also the time when I get to see people whom I rarely see, people who are close to my heart but unfortunately not available in other times of the year. It is weird but I always get the feeling of loneliness when it’s Christmas day already. I know it’s not all about gift-giving and Christmas parties which usually makes people, especially children, blissful. It’s more on the meaning of this celebration that makes sense.
As of now, I have amazing professors, contrary to last sem’s! I have Mr. Daquila in Marketing, the past teacher or the BABA which they say gives high grades with less effort! Then Mrs. And for Bmath3 and Math6! Yes, same teacher, and she gives additional points for answering her riddles! How cool is that? For Religion4, I have Mr. Tag-at again! I just love him in Religion1! I got 98 without sweat contrary to Mrs Hilado in Religion3 where I got 80 when in fact, I studied Religion the hardest! For Computer Application 2, I’m under Mr. Pahilanag again! As I’ve said in my previous post way back, he is a graduate in Tay Tung and I was under him for IT1. And the last, Dr. Lily Go, an alumna of Tay Tung again. My dad’s batchmate in Tay Tung. I don’t know how is she when it comes to giving of grades, but I’m hoping for the best!
I went to two parties last night!
Katrine, Jo-ann and I had our make up done at headship. We were running late! I went home and changed first so I was also the first one to arrive at the venue. I was waiting for them in my car when a guy tried to open my door! I was shocked! Good thing the door was locked! My heart was pumping! I was there for about 30 minutes when they finally came. Spent 2 hours in Justine’s Party when I finally decided to drop by Kristin’s party. So I did. And came there came peter, he was ready to go back to Business Inn because he promised her that he would catch up. I just spent about 5-10 minutes there. Then went back and decided to go to McDonalds, as what we usually do after a party, with all those make-up on! It just completes my day!
I feel so sad right now! I really do! It’s the last day of semestral break and I feel so incomplete. Although I did many things, I still feel lonely! I think I had enough vacation but still! I’m not looking forward to anything so I don’t know! I really want to cry! This is very sad.
burgundy*pink* shopping* frappe * fic ice cream* traveling* chinese* go-carts* bumpcars* movies* IT* no class* bags* kris aquino* bangles* havaianas* cute stuffs* snorkeling* mcdo* etc* the beauty and the geek
jollibee* posers* backstabbers* jealous and greedy people* people with no direction* being left out* heat of the sun* accounting* religious studies* examinations* mariel rodriguez* heart evangelista* de mesa brothers* yeng constantino