Friday, February 15, 2008


Sometimes having a good life can really be scary. You don’t know how the future lies ahead. Life is never certain; it’s just like a rollercoaster ride. I’ve watch MMK which starred KC and I was really struck of what happened to her. Its good to have a rags to riches experience, where everything good lies ahead of you, but riches to rags is different. It’s like falling down from a building 50-storey building and you are not sure who will catch you, or if anyone ever will.

Being famous or rich can give you friends or may I say, plastic friends, but if ever you’ll loose everything, this “friends” will be strangers. You thought you can count on them before as much as they can count on you, but having nothing will eventually make them disappear little by little.

I was really touched by the story. I just can’t imagine the girl (KC) to be obliged to learn everything in a snap. It’s far easier to learn how to be pampered than to learn how to work. I’ve heard several situations like this in real life and it also worries me of how that person can move on, with all the spoiling he/she has been used to. It really bothers me and I really pity those people.

But as the story ended, life is not measured with money; it’s with happiness and being with your loved ones. And the title was Mansion so I also entitled my post by it.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

amazing race asia 2

Okay, so ever heard of Amazing Race Asia season 2 with Mark and Rovilson representing the Philippines? You must have! Its like, the talk of the town these past few days. They’ve been like the best team in Amazing Race history. Winning 8/12 legs, imagine that?

Refer to their site:

I was eating my Valentine dinner earlier when I heard that they lost from the Singaporians! I didn’t want to believe because M and R are really AMAZING. I said I would come home before 9 so that I could watch it on AXN. I don’t like to know the results unless I watch it, especially when its bad news. But they really ended up 3rd placers! OMG!

I just can’t accept the fact that they were really leading and one roadblock changed their fate!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

java java java

Life now seems busy. Ok it’s not the typical IM student, but believe me, we are. Seminars are to be attended. Programs are to be compiled. I don’t have problem with that, I was used to being busy.

I’m currently obsessed with nail art. So fun! v is not my nail

I encountered 3 accidents on my way home today. All in one street, Lacson. Is it bad luck or what?

I’ve been entertained by fishes in lagoon lately. I’ve been a frequent visitor of the lagoon, can you believe it? Buying a 5php popcorn or a 20php fish food and feeding the tilapias in lagoon makes me happy in a way. It calms my stressful day.

And and bacolaodiat (Bacolod’s celecration of chinese new year), is on Thursday already. We will get to parade for lasalle.