Monday, January 21, 2008

hanging bags are falling down

When I got into my room last Saturday, I was puzzled when I saw a mountainous figure from the dark. I got home late, obviously, so my room was dark. I hurriedly turned the lights on while thinking, “Why is there an ukay-ukay in my room?” When the lights were on, I saw my bag hanger broke and fell down. The middle part cracked because its over-weight. So, here’s the picture.

So you see Winnie the Pooh hanging? Haha. And I needed some help in fixing it.

Today is the start of our University Sportsfest. And, today is the only day that I will get to enjoy the events but I am sick. I still went to school and watched cheering, bbal game and practiced our speech choir. As usual, CBA lost in cheering, no surprise. BUT we won the basketball game against College of Arts and Sciences.

Being sick now is really a big problem for me. I will be away tomorrow but I am sill, how good is that? How can I enjoy? How can I enjoy a place with a very low temperature when I have colds? Arghhh I won’t be updating until Monday of next week. But maybe I can sneak sometime to be online if I find somewhere to log in. I will miss being online.

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